All Muslim men are regarded as brothers, and this fraternal love can be seen is action in every country where Islam prevails, and even in those where Muslims are only a tiny minority.
Of course, like Cain and Abel, we often have our little family squabbles. To be sure you do not cause offense to fellow Muslims, be sure to study this orientation guide.
Sorry Shias, we were here first
NOTE: Dr. Hazratji, former ISWM president has stated that Shia Muslims are following a false apostasy started by a “nefarious Jew” – and former mosque Chaplain Abdelaal told both Iranian Shia Muslims and Turks that they were “Arabs.”
Whether you’re a Sunni Palestinian Arab born in Cairo (like Hampshire mosque’s former Chaplain Mohammed Abdelaal or PLO founder Yassir Arafat), a Sunni Palestinian Arab born in Syria (like Hampshire College’s Omar Dahi or mosque founder Wajih Elsalaal), Sunni Arab Palestinian refugees like Abed Jaradat or Bushra Fouz Mohammed, or just a Sunni Pakistani or Turk, there are plenty of local resources to assist you in your jihad.
Qur’an 3:10 – “Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had Faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have Faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.
The Jewish and Christian bible confirms the brotherly message given to our forefather, Ismail, (the son of Abraham and his Egyptian maid).
Genesis 16 – “he shall be a wild ass of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren.”
Islam Prefers Strong, Immoral Warriors
Even if you’re not a pious and devoted family man like Dr. Hazratji, keep in mind that Al’lah prefers strong, immoral, and violent warriors like Amanouz Cafe cook Jamal Assab of Morocco.
It is better to be strong and immorral than weak and righteous.