Supporters of the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts are 'reaching out' to ensure your 100% satisfaction with Islamic immigration and Hampshire mosque.

Request for Interviews from Josh Tecu – 11/12/2010

I stumbled on your site while doing research for an article on the Hampshire mosque.. The problem is that while the Muslims I’ve contacted are happy to talk, I’m having trouble getting anyone else to speak up who aren’t 100% pleased about Islamic immigration or the presence of a mosque in their community.

I’m interested in getting your take in an interview.

I note your name does not appear anywhere on the site nor did you post a way to contact you.

The interview can be done by phone, email or in person, as you wish. Please contact me via the email above.


Before the first round of questions, ground rules: How much exactly do you want to reveal about yourself? I can guess that you’re a resident of Massachusetts. I don’t know your age or gender, or even if you’re a plural.

So the first question would be: “Who are you?” Age, race, gender, how-long-resident, education, profession, group affiliation?

Second question: As part of this article on the Hampshire mosque I am interviewing people like Mohammed ali Hazratji. His name is out there, he’s happy acting as a spokesman and his opinions are going to be usable.

I’m writing about a debate where one side is refusing to go on record and speak. By choosing not to participate, your side of the of issue is going to be silent. Silence suggest acquiescence - are you a chicken?

Please complete and submit to Josh Tecu, Dr. Hazratji, and the ISWM

Name: Race Male Female
How long have you been a Massachusetts resident?
Profession following the Koran and Sunnah, the sayings and practices of our prophet Mohammad
Earning an honest living to support and protect myself and my loved ones

Address (not necessary if you're in the phone book)

Family members - wife, partner, parents, or other loved ones.
Children School and grade
When would be the best time to catch you or your family at home?
Auto yr model color Where do you park during the day? Where at night?
Are you or any familiy members licensed to own or operate firearms?

Group Affiliation


“Ye are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. All other people are perverted transgressors.” - Koran 3:110

Kafirs - nonMuslims.

Those who dispute the signs of Allah having been offered Islam are greatly hated by Allah and the Muslims - Quran 40:35

People of the Book
polytheists, pagans, atheist, agnostic, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh or any other heresy. (Note: Jewish Buddhists, atheists, or agnostics should still check the Jew button above.)


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