All American citizens of the Pioneer Valley should be proud to welcome Lihi Benisty back to Hampshire College, where she endured jihadi threats and Muslim aggression by Islamic thugs last February.
Palestinian supporters of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as Osama bin Laden sympathizers and other Islamic thugs, were whipped into a frenzy by the exhortations of socialist sympathizers – culminating in physical assaults and death threats against this beautiful young American woman.
Death Wish sent to her Hampshire College email address.
Finally someone sent a threatening email to her private Hampshire College email account, “Make the world a better place and die slow.”
Only hateful Muslims make a point of dividing the world into Muslims against “Jews, Christians, and other polytheists.” Normal Americans don’t particularly care whether one or both of Lihi’s parents had Jewish ancestry, or if she’s become a born-again lesbian Buddhist.
“She is a leader of our community. Lihi Benisty, please stand up so we can, as a community, recognize you for your heroic leadership.”

"Lihi is standing up to Islamic thugs and Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood supporters. Are you brave enough to stand with her?
To take one recent example, Lihi Benisty, a Jewish student at Hampshire College, attended a pro-Israel event at UMass Amherst and thereafter suffered daily harassment back on her own campus.
As she walked to class or to her apartment, Lihi was called a “baby killer,” “apartheid lover,” “Zionist pig,” “genocide supporter” and “racist.” She was physically assaulted, and she got an email death threat. It took the college dean almost a week to meet with her, and nothing was done to find the perpetrators. Fortunately, Jewish organizations, including The David Project and the Anti- Defamation League, quickly came to her support.
Lihi and her friends had even invited the SJP to attend the presentation. They were perhaps a little naively in expecting a civil discourse. Instead the Arab Palestinians immediately mobilized for action, inviting jihadis from all of New England to Amherst for a “double-header”; the disruption of the Jew’s speech and assault on other Jews at Hampshire College on February third, and a March in Support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt on Saturday the fifth.
A formal Request For Comment from a community institution or individual can often be much more effective than a polite invitation to Islamic thugs at initiating civil discourse. Students, individuals, civic groups, and other pro-American organizations are encouraged to make formal RFCs from other public individuals, non-profit corporations, or even religions organizations to address issues of concern to the community.
Here are some example REQUEST FOR COMMENTS. Have Fun!
On April 12, 2011, Lihi was honored by Joanna Jacobson at an AIPAC convention.
Thank You from the Proud American Citizens of Western Massachusetts
If you see this brave young lady in town be sure to thank her.
Are you man enough for Lihi?
Young men who think they can match her bravery in standing up to Islamic thugs can try to muster the courage to ask her out for coffee or dinner and a movie.
Yeah, this article is super offensive.
Firstly “Muslim aggression by Islamic thugs” and being allegedly harassed by some liberal arts college students are not really equatable, not to mention that religion has nothing to do with it. Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, whoevers take part in the Students for Justice in Palestine groups across the country and globally. That is a pretty bigoted and offensive assumption relying heavily on islamaphobia. Secondly, there really is no evidence that she was harassed besides her account and an anonymous e-mail which she could have easily created and wrote herself. She probably is from a limited background and didn’t realize that many, many, many people globally support Palestine and condemn Israel for their occupation of Gaza and the West Bank.
Many of the people in SJP at Hampshire are Americans and Jews as well, like Benisty. And to say that they support Hamas or the Muslim Brotherhood is slanderous and offensive. This is extremely irresponsible and racist writing. You should be ashamed. As for Benisty, she is no hero.