Dr. Mohammed Ali Hazratji
Although Dr. Hazratji urged UMass Muslim students to “warfare, violence, and bloodshed” in his sermon at the Hampshire mosque’s rented prayer space, only the Boston Bombers and the Quabbin 7 have acted on his exhortations, and there has still been no evidence that the Hampshire mosque Umass students had anything to do the the Quabbin break-in.
Hampshire mosque Inc – President
MOHAMMAD ALI HAZRATJI, MD is Chief of Neurology at Holyoke Medical Center, and has been a practicing neurologist in the Pioneer Valley for the last 28 years. He is president of the Hampshire Mosque in Amherst, and was president of the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts from 1990-2007. Dr. Hazratji has been active in interfaith activities, refugee medical relief work overseas, refugee resettlement programs, and programs for promoting peace and understanding among people. He has lectured at colleges throughout Western Massachusetts on Islamic issues and participated as a speaker on various panels in the aftermath of 9/11.
Muslim Humor – On his immigration form Dr. Hazratji listed his hobbies as Hunting, Target shooting, and Archery – unusual hobbies for an observant Muslim, but amusing nevertheless.
But the mosque is still looking for a bigger place from which to accomplish their goals. According to Dr. Hazratji, “We don’t have any target property right now that appeals to us.”
“My buddies at the FBI say this website is protected under the right to free speech in the first amendment of the constitution. They are trying to discredit and target us out of ignorance, which is why it is important that we reach out to the community through the discussions we have on Islam.”
“When the lion walks through the forest, the other animals bark. But does the lion stop?” he asks. We have nothing to fear, let the dogs bark. Our history has been through so much worse, this is really nothing in comparison. He smiles and shrugs. He says discrimination has become more localized ever since extreme ‘Islamophobes’ have been elected into the government. “Just yesterday someone put a dead pig inside a mosque in Texas, and I’m sure it wasn’t being gifted as a meal for the Muslims.” He laughs sarcastically.
“We don’t lie to make a point or strengthen a position, and we don’t tolerate lies.” – Dr. Hazratji – February 2010
… residents were taken aback … when Mohammed Al Hazratji, president of the
Hampshire Mosque, began … by stating that anyone expressing concerns might be racist.”
“Muslim leader says it’s bigotry”
“If the applicant considers due diligence a hostile act, then I would respectfully submit that he doesn’t understand the process” said Warren Hall, the chairman of Pelham’s Planning Board.
For Mohammed ali Hazratji, president of the board for the Hampshire Mosque, the concerns raised by residents are not legitimate, but instead are a traditional method of trying to keep a mosque out of their neighborhood.
“My sense is that because it is a mosque, they just don’t want it there,” Hazratji said. “These are all just excuses.”
Any additional burdens and hurdles, Hazratji said, would likely raise the costs and be considered hostile.
He noted that there have been many denials of mosques in other regions of the country disguised in the form of other concerns.
“The real issue has been bias, bigotry and lack of understanding. This is not something we’d expect in the town of Amherst,” Hazratji said.
He said residents opposed to the mosque appeared to be badgering the board.
“The U.S. Constitution has most of the tenets of Sharia. The values of the Sharia are imbedded in the Constitution.”
“Knowledge empowers people to make the right judgments,” Hazratji said. “Islam and extremism are completely opposite.” He said there are a few who feel they have been oppressed and “go to extremes.” They can find “passages (in the Quran) to support your positions.”
But, he said, in “Islam you have to be patient. God will change your situation.”
on Hampshire mosque attendance…
April 2010 – “two to five people will come for daily prayers, up to 10 people will be at the mosque for night prayers and around 50 people will attend Friday services. Wednesday evenings will have educational and prayer sessions involving 15 to 30 people, and on Sunday religious education classes will bring out up to 38 children.” – Ali Hazratji – mosque president
Time out from a long day of archery, hunting, and target practice.
Former President Hazratji has been found GUILTY by fellow mohammadens throughout New England of causing FITNA.
2015 Patrick Bensen/Benson has replaced Dr. Hazratji as the President of the Hampshire mosque as it prepares to make the former Adventure Outfitters building in Hadley into a million dollar Mosque.