Translated, annotated, and illustrated notes to the speech delivered by Ali Hazratji on behalf of Hampshire mosque, the ISWM, its president Dr. Mohammed Saleem Bajwa, and our other supporters to UMassAmherst MSA students in February, 2010. (Dr. Hazratji's original notes with Arabic Qur'an quotes posted here) OUTLINE
The following, taken completely out of context, and with all irrational Islamaphobic misconceptions clearly indicated in highlighted areas, represents the agenda and opinions of prominent, outspoken, tolerant, moderate, and peace loving community leaders who, like Hampshire mosque Inc., follow "what the Quran calls a middle path, a path of moderation, free of extremism, and representative of the Islamic vision of healthy community" - Amherst BulletinDr. Mohammad Saleem Bajwa is the current present of the Islamic Society - the opinions expressed here all adhere to the sunnah of Allah's Apostle and are fully endorced by Dr. Bajwa and all other officers of the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts. |
Dr. M. Ali Hazratji - President
Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts
Hampshire Mosque Inc.
To: Muslim Students Association – Five Colleges
On behalf of the Board of Hampshire Mosque Inc. on February 12, 2010 in regard to the decisions made by the board and the reasons for them. InshAllah posting a side less represented will allow educated and inshAllah a nuanced but compassionated opinion regarding the future of our mutually beloved community.
We have gathered tonight to inform you of the decisions of the Board, the process
involved in it, and what work has gone into it, in order to address your questions
and concerns, and insha-Allah to keep unity in the community. We also hope
and pray for the continued help and blessing of Allah, SWT for this community,
which we have experienced in the last couple of years, al-Hamdulillah.
I wanted this also to be a practical learning experience for all of us in our
path to Allah, SWT, as a continuation of the theory we have been talking about
and learning together. The actualization in our lives of what we learned theoretically
, as we have studied the topics of akhlaq, adab, ikhlas, tawakkul, and learnd
hopefully, to recognize and rectify our ailments of arrogance, excessive talking,
miraa –argumentation, backbiting, hawa , taming our base nafs, thru the
process of tazkiyah in our journey to and for Allah, SWT.
First, I free myself of any claim of superiority over anyone of you in knowledge,
taqwa, or the practice of Islam, however , since I have been given a position
of responsibility for Hampshire Mosque by its founders and its board , I will
try my best to keep this community together and do the best for Islam and Muslims
in this community.
I seek Allah’s help in this, and His protection from Shaitan, from my
own weaknesses, and any traces of jahiliyyah in me. I ask you to listen carefully
with your ears and with your hearts. May Alllah inspire me to present this
to you so our hearts are united and our purpose is one, as one community; not
fractured disputing groups. Remember, the help of Allah is with the jama’ah.
Remember the importance of unity and having hearts together. Also, The help
of Allah is with those who listen and obey Allah and His messenger and have
no resistance in their hearts to what they order, as He says:
(33:36) Now whenever Allah and His Messenger have decided/ decreed
a matter, it is not befitting for a believing man or a believing woman to claim
of choice in their affairs…
"I am the messenger of Allah and our Prophet"The Messenger of Al'lah assured the MSA students that is not presenting his personal beliefs or opinions. He is only a selfless, pious Muslim who currently represents the entire Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts and is presenting the decisions "on behalf of Hampshire mosque Inc." and the ISWM. "It is not befitting for a Muslim man or woman to claim freedom of choice in their affairs…"Therefore, if you consider yourselves to be 'Muslim men and women' you must follow the instructions of me and the Prophet. |
Mohammad's Sunnah - the Massacre of HunainIn a story as familiar to young jihadis as David and Goliath is to most Americans, Allah's representative reminded the UMassAmherst MSA students about the slaughter of the worshipers of Al-Lat (daughter of Al-Lah) that the Muslim warriors perpetrated on the denizens of Husain. After killing all of the males that showed signs of pubic hair, the 'believers' distributed the 6,000 women and children as slaves, as well as 24,000 camels, 40,000 sheep, and millions in gold and silver. "When the spoils were distributed, it was a division devoid of justice."Many cowardly Muslims at Hunain had fled from the battle but were getting an unequal share of the loot, while other proud Muslim warriors complained...
The people of Hunain had worshiped Al-Lat, one of the daughters (along with Al-Uzza and Manat) of the Arabian moon god Al-Lah, after whom the Prophet's father was named. Mohammad's pagan father, who died before his birth, was called Abd'Allah, or 'Slave of the moon god Al-Lah' and his son, Mohammad, was known as 'bin Abd'Allah', or "Son of the Slave of the Moon God Al-Lah."
Watch out for The Nefarious Jew and Satan ! |
The fitnah and division caused by Abdullah bin Saba ( Ibn Sauda’ a Jew from San’a during the Caliphate of Othman , RA leading to the Martyrdom of Othman, RA, subsequently Ali, Husain, RA
... the Martyrdom of Otham, Ali, and Husain.... by those apostate Shi'ites !! |
Why we did not delay: don’t want Shaitan to
cause more rumors, disputes and groups to develop, each with their own advocate
and agenda. Anything
that has the potential for dividing a community should be addressed immediately.
We learn this from Hunain, as well as the fact that things sometimes seem
but there may be a reason and wisdom behind it. From the nefarious
moves of Abdullah ibn Saba we
learn how to be careful of dividing forces that instill discontent with the
leadership and rebelliousness and how to prevent it.
The Nefarious Jew - the cause of the Shi'ite ApostasyHere we learn that the Shi'ite apostasy, followed by millions of fellow Muslims, was actually caused by a nefarious Jew. Shi'ites who admit the error of their ways may be granted full membership rights in Hampshire Mosque Inc. " The enmity between us and the Jews goes far back in time and is deep rooted. There is no question that war between the two of us is inevitable." - Osama bin Laden |
“ Masha Allahu Kan wa ma lam yasha lam yakun”
What Allah wants happens, and what He does not want , does not happen. The
Heavens and earth belong to Him and He chooses who He wants, when He wants,
and where He wants.
e.g. Kaaba and Ibrahim , AS in the middle of a desolate valley (22:26)
22:27 (Y. Ali) "And proclaim the Pilgrimage among men: they will come
to thee on foot and (mounted) on every kind of camel, lean on account of journeys
through deep and distant mountain highways;
Masjid -e- Nabawi: Where Allah guides the camel to sit. Who made the choice
of place.
Fighting Violence and Warfare are prescribed and ordained for you.Qur'an 9:5 But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
He also tells us about our own ignorance and our limitations.
Qur’an (2:216) (Y. ALI) Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
What has khair and what has sharr in it, is only known to Him, not to you
and not to me, not to the Board of HM. Since we do not know the unseen and
arrogantly claim that or to know what is best, how do we deal with situations
and make decisions both of private and public impact:
Shura you must obey me.Mohammad's spokeperson stresses the importance of SHURA; that he is only expressing the conclusions reached by the other representatives of Mohammad and Allah, by consultation, and that as Believers they must obey. O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. |
42:38 (Asad) and who respond to [the call of] their Sustainer and are constant
in prayer; and whose rule [in all matters of common concern] is consultation
among themselves; and who spend on others out of what We provide for them as
Shura of the prophet: At Badr, Uhud, khandaq, ifk –Ali $ Osama, hudaibiyah
Etiquette of shura. Purpose is to bring hearts together and to bring all angles
to the fore so the best decision can be made while seeking help and guidance
from Allah, SWT.
H: AH “al-mustashaaru mu’tamun” The one whom advice is sought
from is to be entrusted. AD, T, N, IM
Du’a of Istikhara: Jaabir ibn Abdullah: The prophet SAW would instruct
us to pray for guidance in all our affairs just as he would teach us a chapter
of the Qur’an. “If any of you intends to undertake a matter then
pray two rakahs and then supplicate :
O Allah, I seek Your counsel by your knowledge, and by Your power I seek
strength, and I ask You from Your immense favor, for verily You are able
while I am not,
and verily You know while I know not, and You are the Knower of the unseen.
O Allah, If in your knowledge , this affair… good for me in relation
to my religion/deen, my life, and end, then decree it for me, facilitate it
for me, and bless me with it. And if in Your knowledge this affair is ill for
me harmful to my deen, my life, and end, then remove it from me and remove
me from it and decree for me what is good , wherever it be and make me pleased
with it.
Whoever seeks guidance from His Lord, consults fellow believers and remains
firm in his resolve does not or will not regret for Allah says:
3:159 (Asad) And it was by God's grace that thou [O Prophet] didst deal gently
with thy followers: for if thou had been harsh and hard of heart, they would
indeed have broken away from thee. Pardon them, then, and pray that they
be forgiven. And take counsel with them in all matters of public concern;
when thou hast decided upon a course of action, place thy trust in God: for,
verily, God loves those who place their trust in Him.
O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged
with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to
Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: That is
best, and most suitable for final determination.
HadithsMohammad's Messenger will now teach us about Hadiths - little stories about his Prophet; like Jesus feeding the multitudes, but much more interesting. Hadiths teach many important things about 'proper Islamic etiquette' like
Abu Hurairah: From the prophet, SAW,: “Whosoever obeys me, obeys Allah;
and who disobeys me disobeys Allah; and whosoever obeys the Ameer, in fact
, obeys me; and he who disobeys the Ameer, in fact, disobeys me.” Muttafiqun ‘Alaihi
Ibn ‘Abbas: From the prophet, SAW: “If a person notices in his
Ameer what he dislikes, he should show patience, because he who departs from
the Muslim community a span, ( shibran), dies like those who died in the days
of Jahiliyyah.” Muttafiqun ‘Alaihi
BEDTIME HADITH - The Magical Jew TreeOne of the favorite bedtime Hadiths of little Muslim children throughtout the world is the story of the Magical Jew Tree which, unlike other normal trees or rocks, would actually protect a Jew that was hiding behind it. |
We have learned: importance of unity and jama’ah. Allah ability and control
over everything. Allah’s knowledge and our ignorance of what is good
for us. That results don’t always follow logical reasoning. We have learned
the process of shura, the decision making process, and istikhara. Obedience
to Allah, His Rasul and the Ameer. Now let me get to how the board came to
the decision to make an offer on the property on Harkness.
What have we done? Meeting with Town manager Gave specifications of our needs
to realtor We had a fund-raiser during Ramadan and raised about $50K in pledges
and payments.
Looked at properties in Hadley, UMass area, land on the other side of UMass,
houses in Amherst: 2 on rte 9 across from CITGO and Dunkin Donut, one on
Dickinson St. near the Chevy dealership, the Harkness property and 758
N. Pleasant St.
758 N. Pleasant St. was first brought to our notice on Dec.29th, the day it
was listed, by a sister, who is properly grounded in the deen, with the proper
understanding and adab, who sent me this e-mail: We looked at it the next week
and evaluated it in a board meeting, based on our requirements, and concluded
it was a good location for students, overpriced and did not meet our requirements
for space and future expansion.
It is not a new find that people have just discovered. We have looked at it inside and out and even considered how the prayer areas could be used, how the bathrooms could or could not be used , what the proper flow would be, how to keep the Islamic etiquette of gender separation etc, the location of class rooms etc. In our deliberation we consider everything and don’t jump up and down on emotion and impulse .
Our Board members have looked at it, I have personally looked at it, so it is not some wonderful God send that just showed up. We have already considered it and I can tell you more about this building than its most vocal proponents, some of whom have just discovered it and are making such a big deal out of it. We know the facts on the ground. A fact remains a fact, if one person has said it or fifty come to reinforce it, it stands on its own, it does not require repetition and reinforcement with signatures and rallies and petitions.
Proper Islamic Etiquette |
There are proper ways, in observance of Islamic etiquette, which have been
ignored. Unfortunately, some misguided people have adopted means that cause
dissension and are even threatening to split the community , with wanton
disregard to any semblance of Islamic etiquette and certainly no fear of
Allah regarding
the consequences of their actions. Even telling the board that they
will be punished for this decision in the dunya and akhirah. Astaghfirullah.
We forget
we are Muslims, insha-Allah.
No Fear of Allah? Fuggetaboughdit! |
You do not know what our requirements are, or what criteria we use
to screen properties. A lot more goes into this than just finding a listing and running
with it just because the location is good. If you want to be helpful
come to us and learn.
"You do not know what our requirements are...""If you want to be helpful come to us and learn."
Positives : Excellent Location, One usable large room 943 sq feet 41x23 9 (
our room here is 42x26 =1092sq ft. although we include the bathrooms and storage
space in it).
No land (0.44 acre), no room for expansion, No additional parking( a total of six), No place for community activities,
No place for building a future Community hall, No significant additional space than what we currently have other than a few small rooms, three of which are upstairs.
IF WE CAN'T EXPAND WE DON'T WANT IT !! Ali told the Amherst Planning Board the mosque had no plans for expansion (April 7, April 21) - however, much to the surprise of the planning board, he withdrew the Harkness Rd. Mosque proposal as soon as he found out it would not support the huge expansion requirements of his organizations. "We don't have any target property right now that appeals to us," Hazratji said. At the same time Hazratji's ISWM sent a realtor to 'scout around' Belchertown for a suitable location for a Islamic cemetery, with a small attached mosque, and to discuss Jewish burial practices. "We have no hard feelings toward anyone," Hazratji assured the bigoted and racist kafir community that had dared express concerns about his real intents. |
Why are they selling it : problems with parking, mould , some asbestos in the basement. All the beautiful hardwood floors would be hidden after the additional expense of carpeting these areas for prayer. Access to the two main bathrooms is only from one area which would be the brother’s prayer area and two additional bathrooms, one upstairs. The ceiling and plumbing needs to be fixed because there is a major leak from the bath room upstairs and possibly the roof which we are not sure of. A traffic rotary being built on top of it.
So what are we getting for $ 464,500 : some additional small rooms on the
second floor; just stay here: same prayer space, easy access to students
at a very
reasonable cost with no maintenance or utilities . We have it here at our
present location.
We look at these properties objectively without personal agendas or bias
, with the future growth options as an essential prerequisite. We are not
to keep changing locations when we outgrow this small house. I consider
the welfare of the community and I prefer not even to divide it into the
community and the student community, for that is the first step of division.
These are the reasons we considered 758 N Pleasnat and rejected it much before
all the hype and promotion. It is not a consideration for Hampshire Mosque
to purchase. However, if some other persons or groups want it they are free
to raise funds on their own and purchase it. We wish you all the best.
Buy your own nearby 'moderate' prayer hall if you want ...we wish you all the best." |
Specifics of 264 Harkness:
Negatives: Are we aware of the negatives : yes.
Have we considered solutions: yes. Are we sure it will work: no
Negatives: One word: Location: rest are details
Not in the Center of town, 3.7 miles from the Amherst green to be exact,
and 3.5 miles from our current location. Not on Bus route little over a
half mile
from the current bus stop location.
Harder for students to reach from U Mass, Smith, Mt. Holyoke, Amherst ,
People with no cars
Possible solutions:
Bus service extension – being investigated, van service, car-pooling.
Vans available for student transportation at Mt. Holyoke and Smith. These students
only come for special events, and halaqas max. once or twice a week and arrangements
can be made for their transportation from school or if one student has a car
she can bring the others.
Harder to establish 5 Salahs : distance of the hearts. Evidence from the
"Allah Akbar" must be loudly proclaimed 5 times a day at our real Islamic Masji.At Hazratji's proposed Masjid it would be difficult, but absolutely necessary, for an adult male Muslim to be present 5 times during the day to maintain the outpost and shout loudly "Allah Akbar - our god Al-Lah is better than all of the false gods of the Jews, Christians, and other kafirs."
Raising Old Glory according to 'proper Islamic etiquette' A cap is lowered by a crane to the top of the minaret during a ceremony at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the largest mosque in New England, before the first call to prayer, Saturday, June 9, 2007, in Roxbury, Mass. (AP Photo/Lisa Poole) |
Solution: Maintain a second Musallah at the present location for daily prayer
for convenience of people working in the neighborhood. We have this for
the next 7 months anyway so we can try it out.
A second Musallah ?Since the temporary prayer space at Carriage Shops, often incorrectly referred to as "Hampshire Mosque," is only a 'musallah' there is no need for the Salahs that will be required at ISWM's planned Masjid - which will eternally remain the property of Al-lah and must be proclaimed as such 5 times a day by a growing community of men with the same beliefs as the board. |
Structural concerns etc. : have already been addressed and cleared on structural
We have looked at the land fill which is almost a half mile away, and
there are million dollar homes there. We have checked with the health
dept in
the town of Amherst about the safety issues and have received clearance
for all
health , safety and contamination issues.
We have investigated the well issues that were falsely raised and are
satisfied with both wells. The water test has been done.
Zoning and approvals : in process
We plan for the long term, especially for growth…every community is growing and expanding, e.g. therefore space is essential : land acreage. If you wanted an assembly hall or a community center where would you build.
Expansion for future school . This property has 3.15 acres of excellent flat
, cleared land, free of wetlands.
Privacy : with conservation areas behind.
Space in the back for children to play , sports activities, family and community
barbeque etc. all the space a growing community needs and a place where children
can run around, play, enjoy and be safe.
Long Term Growth !! Space is essential !!Expansion for future school!!The bigoted Amherst residents were told that the mosque had no plans for expansion. |
Price is way below market value it is a steal and is a sign of facilitation.
This sold for 395K, then 345K, I think, but did not go thru.
Opportunities like this do not come often. Those of us who deal in property
purchase and sales and construction know. Waiting a few years , the markets
will start going back up . Real estate is at a low point with all the
financial crises. Once banks start lending again, prices will rise.
No property of this type with 3 acres or even with 2 acres exists in
the center of town and if it did it would be at least 750,000 which
is beyond
our reach.
We have looked at properties in the center of town and found none of them satisfactory for our need, not enough parking , not enough usable space, need for remodeling that would run into hundreds of thousands of additional expenditure on top of the prices that start at $464,000. So you cannot get the value for the money.
Ready to use without any additional major expenditure other than cleaning,
minor plumbing repairs and any minor alterations we want. Any remodeling
to accommodate growth of the community need not be done for a few years
at least.
Residential neighborhood, not commercial, no music, fitna of partially
dressed people walking around etc. conducive to retreat, and to be a sanctuary
for prayer, dhikr, learning, teaching.
Plenty of Parking on the grounds
No Fitna - No Music - Kill all the Dogs - No Dance - No Theater - No partially dressed people.The same "middle path of the Qur'an" and Islamic etiquette currently practiced in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. |
So after evaluating all these facts, and debating the pros and cons, and considering
the community feed back, we, at the board, did what Allah and His Rasul order
us to: we did shura, as we are commanded to do, for the good of the greater
community, disregarding our individual likes and dislikes, then we did istikhara,
as we are taught to do, and we are now waiting for Allah’s, SWT, decision.
With Istikhara, we have handed over the decision to Allah, being content with
whatever He chooses: Whether He facilitates the acquisition of 264 Harkness
for us or not, we will be equally pleased with whatever He decides for us,
pleased knowing it is from Him. We love Him and His pleasure with us, not 264
Harkness. We have no attachment in our heart to it, Our hearts should be attached
only to Allah and what He loves.
... and Allah hates kafirs !Qur'an 40:32 - They who dispute the signs of Allah [kafirs] without authority having reached them are greatly hated by Allah and the Muslims. So Allah seals up every arrogant, disdainful heart. and despised by Allah. |
Let me also remind you that the funds raised at the fund raiser are an amanah.
They were given for a specific property after personally convincing people,
especially the major donors, about the virtues of this particular property.
What I raised thru personal contacts from the West Springfield Masjid community
are in excess of 140,000 out of the 160,000. If we decide against this property
, we have to offer to return these donations or ask the donors if they still
want their donation put towards something else in the future.
We have discussed in the Board before this that some people of the community have also offered to buy the property themselves if HM does not and lease it to HM for its use, because they do not want this opportunity to be wasted.
Hazratji told the Amherst Planning Board that his institition was poorly funded because they don't take money on interest, yet many members of his community have already offered to purchase the property outright if necessary.
Finally, let us ask a fundamental question. Why are we looking to establish
a Masjid and a community? To learn and to practice our deen. So if in the
process we deviate from all the teaching that have come down from us from
Allah and
His prophet, SAW, we disregard and disobey, and divide into groups and disobey
the people in charge, we should quit. We are not ready for it, nay we don’t,
as a community deserve it.
We don’t lie to make a point or strengthen a position, and we don't tolerate lies.
Ali does not tolerate lies?Hampshire Mosque already has a 'musallah' or prayer space - but 'Mohammad's representative' needs the students to help him establish a real mosque, or Masjid, for HIS community. NOTE: many Muslims actually believe that lying to a kafir is not really lying - they believe that they are always supposed to lie to kafirs in order to further Allah's cause (Taqayya) |
We still don’t know, as we wait for other approvals and paperwork,
if it goes thru. We say Al-hamdulillah if it materializes, and work to make
house of Allah the best we can and populate it with deeds and piety and taqwa
and unity and with akhlaq that He loves. If He decides it is not for Him,
AWJ, then we say Alhamdulillah and keep looking and wait for Him to facilitate
better for us.
Will we make everyone happy: NO. Will everyone agree on any one issue: NO.
Let us learn and follow the ethics of disagreement in Islam. Let us agree to
agree on One: The ONE, Tawheed of Allah, ‘Azza wa jalla, and submit ourselves
to His orders and the sunnah of His beloved prophet, SAW. In the mean time,
we put our trust in the One we asked, for His approval and His decision. And
we remain united waiting for His decision.
Dr. M. Ali Hazratji
On behalf of the Board of Hampshire Mosque Inc.
Hampshire Mosque Inc.What the Quran calls a middle path, a path of moderation, free of extremism, and representative of the Islamic vision of healthy community" - Amherst BulletinThese quotes from the Qur'an or Hadiths are taken completely out of context and are deliberately mistranslated by kafirs trying to give Islam a bad name. Qur’an 33.27 And He made you heirs to their land and their dwellings and their property, and (to) a land which you have not yet trodden, and Allah has power over all things.