Hind received her Bachelor’s from An-Najah University in Nablus, which was a part of the Palestinian state of Jordon from 1947 until 1967 when they attacked Israel, hoping to “push the Jews into the sea.” Unfortunately they lost the war, East Jerusalem, and the West Bank too.

These actors were finally shot dead by the Palestinian producers of this ‘snuff film’ – but it was a great excuse to continue the struggle for the way of Al’lah.
The Jaradat’s came to America during the second intifada, when Palestinian Arabs deliberately murdered a young Muslim boy, Muhamad Al-Dura, and released fake videos blaming the murder on “the Jews.”
Hind was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship for her Master’s studies, which she received, along with her doctorate in Education from the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
UMassAmherst – Women of Color Leadership Network’s Hind R. Mari
Affordable and Safe Houses
Her husband, Abdul-Rahman (Abed) F Jaradat (aka Ibrahim-Jaradat), has served as a UMass ACC (Apartment Complex Coordinator) for many years, and is experienced at finding affordable and safe houses for visiting students to live in.
As a practicing Muslim, Abed can help to meet the housing needs of students from Islamic countries, Palestinian Arabs, out-of-town visitors, or other foreign nationals supporting Islam.
“I want to emphasize the fact that you are here because of very good reasons and I want to help you insure [sic] that your living experience remains respected and supported.” – Abed Jaradat

STOP THE JEWS – Abed coordinates Muslim activities at the UMass North Apartments, where Muslim students, upset at the death of Osama bin Laden, defaced numerous STOP signs.
May 2011 – STOP The Jews
Despite his best efforts, Abed was just not able to stop the Palestinian Arab and other Muslim students from expressing their grief at the death of Sheik Osama bin Laden by defacing STOP signs in the North Apartment complex area, which he coordinates, with creative Islamic poetry.
Abed is also a successful businessman and Real Estate entrepreneur, managing properties in Amherst, Belchertown, and Hadley.

“I want to emphasize the fact that you are here because of very good reasons and I want to help you insure that your living experience remains respected and supported.”

“We will not abandon one inch of Palestine, God willing, if there is one honest Muslim man left in this world,”
Psychic and Spiritual Readings by Crystal – 249 Russell St. Hadley