Dr. Ali Hazratji, a neurologist, has practiced and lived in the area for over 20 years. The American Medical Association website indicates that Dr. Hazratji is NOT a member,
perhaps because they do not recognize the credentials of the Gajra Raja Medical School from which he graduated in 1977, which was de-recognized in 2009.
He was give a Certificate by the ‘American Board of Medical Specialties Certification’ service.
The Holyoke Medical Center where he practices contradicts the AMA and states that he is a member. but it does mention that his favorite hobbies are “Target Shooting, Archery and Hunting”
The Voice Of Mohammed
“Now whenever Allah and His Messenger have decided/ decreed a matter, it is not befitting for a believing man or a believing woman to claim freedom of choice in their affairs…”
As President of the Islamic Society of Western Massachesetts from 1990 to 2007, he also represents the ‘Voice of the Muslim Ummah‘ in Western Massachusetts.
When Mohammed Speaks You Should Listen
The Ummah is not his ‘voice’. He himself has ‘submitted to Allah’ and accepts the decisions of his masters. His ‘voice’ is only his part in the chain of ‘authority’ that a Muslim is required to obey. The ONLY ultimate authority being Allah and the Koran and Sunnah of his prophet, as revealed through …
- The Qur’an – What Gabrial told Mohammed to write down and do.
- The Sunnah of Mohammed – Imitating what the perfect man said to do and doing it exactly how he did it.
- The Hadith – thousands of paragraphs from contemporaries relating what Mohammed did or said, and exactly how he did it.
Dr. Hazratji is being honest and truthful – as a pious observant Muslim his every action is guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah and strict obedience to the organizations to whom he has submitted. Each in turn has also submitted to more powerful Islamic rulers in any part of the world in which they can maintain control.
He is the President of Hampshire Mosque Inc., and you can be sure his sentiments are shared by the other Directors and Board Members of his corporation.
he is gem of a person