Masha’Allah – February 2010 – Information about Hampshire Mosque Inc., which hopes to build a true Masjid (Mosque) in Hampshire County, and its relationship to the current ‘Musallah’ known as Carriage Shops Hampshire Mosque. The true intentions of HM Inc’s Board of Directors, which are the polar opposite of what the truly moderate Muslim students and community want.
Dr. Hazratji, a 1977 graduate of Gajara Raja Medical School in India (it now operates autonomously since being de-recognized by the Medical Council of India), recently told Five College Muslim students that they were ‘rebellious’ because they preferred a location other than the proposed Harkness Rd. location for construction of an actual Masjid.
He rebuked their petition to locate near Umass and instructed them to “Submit to Allah” and the Board of Directors of HM Inc., who know the strict Islamic requirements required much better then they do – the HM Inc. Bylaws require a strict interpretation of the Qur’an and Sunnah and ‘Sharee’a’, exactly like the Board of Directors are accustomed to following in their homelands.
Dr. Hazratji reminded the Umass and other college students of “The Notorious Jew”, Abduah bin Saba, to whom he ascribes the blame for the current mortal rivalry between Sunni’s (like himself), and the misguided Shia Muslims apostates – and warns the students that they are causing similar dissension among the Ummah.
He admonishes the rebellious students, who prefer a location on Pleasant St., that they don’t know anything about proper Islamic etiquette in choosing a location with the proper expansion possibilities.
He tells them that he is only a messenger – but that good Muslims are required to ‘Submit to Allah’ and his properly designated messengers.
The students were told that, according to the Qur’an 2:216 and the sunna of their Prophet, “fighting and warfare are ordained and prescribed” for them – EVEN if they didn’t like it.
They were reminded of their prophet’s “perfect example” – the Battle of Hunain and the ‘rewards’ the Muslims received – 6,000 women and children slaves and 24,000 camels – plus a lot of other good stuff – but only if they helped with the jihad!!
The Prophet sat and said, “Anyone who has killed an enemy and has a proof of that, will posses his spoils.” – Bukhari 4:53:370
He relates the Hadith and sunna instructing that the booty was to be shared only with those with “blood still dripping from their swords.”
They were reminded that a real Masjid cannot be rented from a najis kafir and is the permanent property of Allah and can NEVER be sold – Muslim men MUST be there to reaffirm ownership at the 5 ‘Salahs’ every day when the call to prayer rings out from the minaret or loudspeaker – Allak Akbar – our Allah is better that your God.
Masha’Allah – Allah has guided the hand of Dr. Hazratji to reveal to the world the true feelings and beliefs of moderate Muslims and the intentions of the Ummah and Hampshire mosque’s Board of Directors.
Dr. Mohammad Ali Hazratji
On behalf of the Board of Hampshire Mosque Inc. on February 12, 2010 in regard to the decisions made by the board and the reasons for them. InshAllah posting a side less represented will allow educated and inshAllah a nuanced but compassionated opinion regarding the future of our mutually beloved community.
UPDATE – Complete Illustrated, Annotated,Translated Notes
Islam 101 with Dr. Ali Hazratji