During Ramadan Dr. Hazratji expressed his deep concern over the rampart bigotry and “Islamophobia” in the Pioneer Valley.
Muslims in America have a right to celebrate 911 the same way as their families will be doing in their homelands, and local law enforcement and citizens will be on alert for any Islamophobic activity in the areas where Palestinian Arab students or Dr. Hazratji’s supporters live and congregate.

Most of the Muslim men are so terrified already that, like their Palestinian Arab brothers, they avoid appearing in public for fear of being targeted by Islamophobes and called a towel-head.
Many local Muslim men are so fearful that they prefer to “guard in secret that which Al’lah hath guarded” while their wives (who often use different last names for their own safety), must go out and appear in public to support the family and promote Islam.
Qur’an 4 – Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property for the support of women. So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded.
As for women who won’t listen to you, admonish them and then don’t sleep with for a while by spending time with your other wives or sex-slaves – only then may you beat them if they don’t get the message. Then if they obey you, don’t hold a grudge against them.
Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great. – Quran 4:34
Bushra Fouz Mohammad – “I was called a Towel-Head“

US Jews are targeted by ten times more hate crimes than Muslims, but you wouldn’t know it from the stink this little baby puts out.
“Ever since I was little that word was a thorn in my side. You tolerate smell, you tolerate pain, you don’t tolerate people” said Bushra Fouz Mohammad of Amherst, a talented Palestinian poet who was born in Pittsfield to Arab Muslim parents. Her husband prefers to remain anonymous for fear of prejudice because recently she was called a “towel head” while walking a street in Pittsfield with her infant niece.

UNITED WE STAND – Naz Mohamed, Chaplain Mohammed Abdelaal, Saleem Bajwa, Ail Hazratji, and Liza Locovaca
Bushra was taught Islamic tolerance and love from birth, and it’s influence can be felt in her poetry.
“I am one of the servants of Allah. We do our duty of fighting for the sake of the religion of Allah. It is also our duty to send a call to all the people of the world to enjoy this great light and to embrace Islam and experience the happiness in Islam. Our primary mission is nothing but the furthering of this religion.” Osama bin Laden (1957 – 2011)