Islamists in Western Massachusetts are extending a generous invitation to the community to join Dr. Hazratji in his mosque for Islamic prayers, food offered to Allah, and further instructions how to bring ‘submission to Allah‘ into your lives.

Dr. Ali Hazratji in Nov ’09 just months before delivering his hateful diatribe against nefarious Jews, Christians and Shia apostates.
Dr. Hazratji will speak, not about his own personal feelings or opinions, but as a representative of Allah’s Apostle and the Ummah in Western Massachusetts.
Abraham the Muslim – the nefarious Jews and the misguided Christians.
He will be explaining the errors in the Bible, which the nefarious Jews deliberately inserted into every copy existing in the world since 1000 BCE (and that was before iPhones) to hide the evidence that Abraham was a pious Muslim who worshiped Allah and made a covenant for everlasting generations through Ishmael (his son by his Egyptian maid) until Mohammed appeared and commanded the true Muslims to exterminate all Jews and Christians from the known world.
“he [Ishmael] shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he shall dwell over against all his kinsmen.” [Gen.16:12]
…the Messenger of Allah said: I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim. – Muslim 19:4366
Ye People of the Book! Why dispute ye about Abraham, when the Law and the Gospel Were not revealed Till after him? Have ye no understanding? – Quran 3:65
Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian but an Orthodox Muslim. He never incorporated with Allah other deities. – Quran 3:67
NOTE: Dr. Hazratji wants to ensure your 100% satisfaction with Islamic immigration in the Western Massachusetts area. If you have any concerns you can fill out the ISLAMIC SATISFACTION SURVEY and submit it to Allah’s representative at the meet and greet.