UMassAmherst Muslim Student Association and Dr. Hazratji’s speech

During the next semester the UMassAmherst MSA will be continuing to explore the question “Who hijacked Islam, the religion of peace, and used it to justify terrorist acts like the WTC attacks or the hateful, bigoted, speeches urging violence like the one delivered in the center of Amherst at Hampshire mosque’s temporary ‘musallah’  last February by president Dr. Hazratji?”

The MSA website lists the current officers, who either attended Dr. Hazratji’s speech or have heard about it.  The Amherst community would be interested to know which of these students heard these incitements, why they continue to support Dr. Hazratji and the sunnah of his prophet, and why they failed to notify the community, media, or authorities about his disgusting, hateful, extremist Islamic views and agenda.

Do they or don’t they?

Al'lah's Apostle says ...

Only their Iman knows for sure…

  • Zeeshan Mushtaq
  • Bilal Mirza
  • Arif Iqbal
  • Imad Rahman
  • Hira Malick
  • Iman Abdul-Musawwir
  • Mariam Irshad
  • Ebad Rahman

Perhaps it is because the MSA’s goal is exactly the same as Dr. Hazratji’s …

“The goal of the MSA is to create an Islamic atmosphere on campus to facilitate spiritual growth and understanding among Muslims and Kafirs. This is executed through creating social and recreational activities as well as with lectures and discussions.”

The Investigative Project on Terrorism – report on the  Muslim Student Association

Family Security Matters – “The Fallacy of the Moderate Muslim”

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