Dr. Ali Hazratji was being brutally honest when he explained to the Amherst Planning Board in April 2010 that “Muslims have very strict rules about neighbors [Kafirs]” …
He first reminded the community to beware of bigotry or racism.
Dr. Hazratji, a graduate of Gajara Raja Medical School, (recently de-recognized by the Medical Council of India) spoke to the concerned crowd…
… residents were taken aback … when Mohammed Al Hazratji, president of the Hampshire Mosque, began … by stating that anyone expressing concerns might be racist.”
“Muslim leader says it’s bigotry”
“If the applicant considers due diligence a hostile act, then I would respectfully submit that he doesn’t understand the process” said Warren Hall, the chairman of Pelham’s Planning Board.
For Mohammed ali Hazratji, president of the board for the Hampshire Mosque, the concerns raised by residents are not legitimate, but instead are a traditional method of trying to keep a mosque out of their neighborhood.
“My sense is that because it is a mosque, they just don’t want it there,” Hazratji said. “These are all just excuses.”
Any additional burdens and hurdles, Hazratji said, would likely raise the costs and be considered hostile.
He noted that there have been many denials of mosques in other regions of the country disguised in the form of other concerns.
“The real issue has been bias, bigotry and lack of understanding. This is not something we’d expect in the town of Amherst,” Hazratji said.
He said residents opposed to the mosque appeared to be badgering the board.