FROM: Paul Voiland
RE: Red Fire Farm links to extremist Islamic ideology.
Information about the Red Fire Farm on the website is false. Images, logos and names of workers listed on the site are published without Red Fire Farms permission. The information falsely links RFF to extremist Islamic ideology. The website is causing ongoing confusion and dismay to Red Fire Farm customers.
Please contact me so that we can proceed to have the New England Town Crier dismantled.
Anyone who knows that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” can easily see from the facts below that there is absolutely NO link between the Red Fire Farm and devout followers of the Koran and practices of Mohammad.
The parent company that owns the Red Fire Farm (7 Carver St.) and Stony Brook Eggs (34 Carver St.) is named El Kader Farm Holdings – NOT Al Queda.
El Kader’s office is at 7 San Souci Dr. in South Hadley and open during regular business hours for inquiries.
Saleem Bajwa, treasurer of the New England Islamic Society, also maintains a business office at 7 San Souci Dr. He will be happy to respond to questions –
Terek Mehanna – convicted terrorist – NO link to Red Fire Farm
Bilal Mirza – 34 Carver St. – childhood friend and supporter of Terek Mehanna – Chaplain Mirza can be reached at
Kamran Bajwa (son of ISNE treasurer Saleem Bajwa – 7 San Souci Dr. South Hadley) and Bilal Mirza discuss Jewish ritual slaughter while slitting the throats of animals with a Weimer era German kosher knife at Stony Brook Farm – 34 Carver St. – A Visit to Stony Brook Valley Farm. Kamran can be reached at
Dr. Hazratji – Hampshire mosque president – found guilty of urging UMass Muslim students to ‘violence, bloodshed, and warfare, whether they like it or not” Dr. Hazratji can be reached at the ISWM.
Patrick Benson – 34 Carver St. – Hampshire mosque president 2015 – Red Fire Farm chicken manager. Contact Benson at
Bushra Fouz/Benson – 34 Carver St. Hampshire mosque director
Quabbin Seven – there has been NO evidence that the Hampshire mosque board members and UMass MSA students had anything to do with the broken locks and midnight break-in at the Quabbin reservoir by UMass muslim students in 2013.
Other than the Boston Bombers and the Quabbin Seven, no muslim UMass students have been caught following Dr. Hazratji’s exhortations to “violence and bloodshed.”
According to Ryan Voiland, the name “Red Fire Farm” was chosen in 2001 “to remember that fire event” and because he likes Red Fire lettuce.
Can a muslim pray for his non-mulsim father?
Praise be to Allaah.
Allaah says in His Book
“It is not (proper) for the Prophet and Muslims to ask Allaah’s forgiveness for the Mushrikoon, even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire ” [al-Tawbah 9:113]
Al-Qurtubi said in al-Ahkaam (8/173): “This aayah means that one should cut off ties of close friendship with the kuffaar, whether they are alive or dead.
Allaah did not allow the believers to pray for forgiveness for the mushrikeen. Seeking forgiveness for a mushrik is something that is not permitted.”
Al’lah tells Mohammad he is prohibited from praying for his dead mother.
Muslim narrated in his Saheeh (916) from Abu Hurayrah that the Mohammad said: “I asked Al’lah for permission to pray for forgiveness for my mother, and He did not permit me. I asked Him for permission to visit her grave, and He granted me permission.”