Syrian Shias torture and massacre Sunni Palestinians by the thousands

The current massacre of the Muslim Brotherhood Sunni Palestinians in Syria by Bashar Assad’s Shia Muslims is a continuation of the same battle fought by his father, Hafez Assad, when he massacred tens of thousands of Palestinians in Hama in 1982.

This was the violent Islamic culture into which Hampshire mosque’s founder, Wajih Elsalaal, was born.  Fortunately his family was able to find refuge in Saudi Arabia, where the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood tolerates no fitna from apostate Shias.

Having escaped the fitna caused by the nefarious Jews in Syria, Wajih was educated in Saudi Arabia, where the purest form of Islam is practiced by everyone.   There are no Jews, Christians, or other non-believing pagans permitted there, except as child sex slaves or to perform slave labor along with millions of inferior Muslims from Egypt (non-Arab descendants of slaves and Arab conquerors), Pakistan (non-Arab descendants of Hindus and Arab conquerors) or Turkey (where the people have beady eyes  with faces like leather shields).

When in Amherst – do like the Saudi Arabians do !

According to the Mission Statement, Hampshire mosque hopes to create the same Islamic atmosphere here in Massachusetts, where offenses to Islam will not be tolerated, and the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna of Allah’s apostle will be followed.

The Shia apostasy was started by a nefarious Jew.

According to Dr. Hazratji, Hampshire mosque’s president, the Shia sect was started by a nefarious Jew almost 1400 years ago, in order to cause discord and fitna among Muslims.

STOP the Jews

STOP the Jews – This proves to any educated Muslim, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Jews are responsible for all of the problems in Syria and the rest of the Middle East.




For those without the advanced degrees or myopia of HCC professor Mark Clinton, the cause of all the problems in the Islamic world are clearly marked in bright red.


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