12/2/2010 – Islamic thugs and their supporters, encouraged by Dr. Hazratji’s call to violence, utilized their right of free speech to terrorize and intimidate UMass students who wanted to listen to a guest speaker.
The STOP the Jews coalition displayed the effectiveness of mob rule and brutality, temporarily disrupting a guest speaker with rude outbursts and veiled threats – exercising their right of free speech according to professor Mark Clinton’s interpretation of the First Amendement.
12/2/10 – Disruption of talk by IDF Sgt. Kenny Sachs at UMass Amherst
The proud Islamic thugs boasting of their confrontation –
“IDF sergeant Kenny Sachs came to speak at UMass Amherst on December 2nd, 2010. The Western Massachusetts Coalition for Palestine organized a protest in order to show our solidarity with all Palestinians and to call attention to the illegal occupation in Palestine. We are a unified collective of community organizers, faculty members, campus groups, and concerned citizens. We support the international call for a boycott, divest, and sanctions movement against Israel until they comply with international law to allow for Palestinian right of return. We engaged in a silent walk-out in order to represent the voices of those who were murdered by the Israeli Defense Forces and not able to give their account of the occupation. The Western Mass Coalition for Palestine is an anti-Zionist, anti-racist, anti-colonization group who stands with the Palestinians until the occupation ends, the separation wall is torn down, and the apartheid state of Israel allows for Palestinian self-determiniation.
Local Islamists and their supporters promise even more confrontations if Jewish guests or supporters of Israel are invited to speak in the future.