It appears that Holyoke Community College Professor Mark Clinton is more concerned about the rights of people who want to intimidate others and ‘shut them up’, than the rights of people to express their beliefs and speak freely and safely – without uninvited and thuggish interruptions meant to intimidate and terrorize.
Just how far professor Clinton believes that the Muslim Brotherhood should be encouraged to ‘shut you up’ here in Western Massachusetts remains to be seen.
April 1, 2009 – Mark Clinton redefines “free speech” at UMass rally in support of democratic principles and freedom of speech.

Thugs have every right to stifle "free speech" if they don't like it - just like in the Middle East.
Holyoke Community College professor Mark Clinton was among the speakers who took the mix at the impromptu post-rally rally, and he pointed out that the First Amendment prevents Congress from making any law limiting speech, but that individual agents are free to voice opposition to speech they find hateful.
“The First Amendment is designed to protect the people from the government of the United States […] when I disagree with you, and I try to shut you up, even if you don’t like it, I’m not a censor. I’m not the state. I don’t have the power of the state behind me,” Clinton said.