Five College Coalition march in support of the Muslim Brotherhood – Northampton

Come out and show your support for the Muslim Brotherhood and let your voice to ‘STOP the Jews’ be heard.

Support Sexual Slavery of infidels for Muslims

Tristan B., Liz Clinton, Hilary Simon, Zamania B., Matan Cohen, Thomas Herndon (photos)

Unaware that more than one jihadi who heard Dr. Hazratji’s lecture at Hampshire mosque may already have ‘dibs’ on her,  Liz and Mark Clinton and other dhimmis organized a protest to further the cause of Allah and his apostle and assist the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas in achieving their goal of eliminating ‘the nefarious Jew’ from the Middle East.

Facebook – June 5, 2010

The MSA and Hampshire mosque Mission Statements clearly state that the goal of the organizations is to create an Islamic atmosphere by following the Qur’an and following the Sunna of Allah’s apostle.

Countries with 'an Islamic atmosphere'. For those without the advanced degrees or myopia of HCC professor Mark Clinton, the cause of all the problems in the Islamic world are clearly marked in bright red.

Wanted: young females to  visit Palestine and help us STOP the Jews

Kill me for Palestine. Rape me for Palestine

‘Aisha said, “I have not seen any woman suffering as much as the Muslims when their husbands beat them. Look! Her skin is greener than her clothes!” Bukhari 7-72-715

Jill Carroll also struggled in the way of Allah's apostle to help STOP the Jews

Jill Carroll grieiving for the poor Palestinians after her submission to Allah

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