The Reverend and Chaplain have recently demonstrated how easy it is for people of different faiths to join together in brotherly love when they share common goals.
“When Israel attacked Gaza … ” – Rev. Hirschfeld
Despite fundamental differences in their beliefs, both the Reverend and Chaplain share hopes for freedom and democracy in the Middle East, and stand arm in arm against the primary obstacle to such peace; the nefarious Jews of Israel.
Rev. Hirschfeld considered it an honor for he and his congregation to have celebrated the creation of Hampshire Mosque, Inc., from where Dr. Hazratji delivered his recent tirade against nefarious Jews a year ago. Yet he still maintains that “They are people of devout and faithful prayer, peace, holiness, and holy friendship.”
Now that the Muslim Brotherhood has opened the Gaza/Egypt border to free the Hamas freedom fighters from the Jew-loving Mubarak’s blockade, both Mohammad and Rev. Hirshfeld are glad to see that the Brotherhood can continue their fight against the nefarious Jews unhindered.
Qur’an 5:72 “They are surely infidels (kafirs) who say; ‘God is the Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary.”
Qur’an 8:12 “Instill terror into the hearts of the kafirs”; “smite above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them”
Qur’an 2:191 “…kill the kafirs wherever we find them”
Qur’an 5:51 “Muslims, do not make friends with any but your own people.”Qur’an 9.33 He it is Who sent His Apostle with guidance and the religion of truth, that He might cause it to prevail over all religions.
Qur’an 2:193 “And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah”
Qur’an 8:55 “Surely the vilest of animals in Allah’s sight are those who disbelieve.”