It’s been less than a century since the Muslim Ottoman Turks were taking Christian children for Janisaries and sex slaves, and already a new generation of young Turks is ‘reaching out’ to demonstrate the ‘peace’ of Islam.
Muslim Ottoman Turks
The Turks had been the “top dog” of the Muslim world for almost for over 400 years, from their conquest of the hated ‘Rumis’ or Romans in Constantinople in 1453, until their final defeat by the Allies in World War I in 1917.
Joan and Tom Lindeman of Amherst are not only proud supporters of Dr. Hazratji’s Hampshire mosque Inc. and its agenda, but also great admirers of Islam, or submission to Al’lah.
Here Abdulkadir Kocak, a young Turkish missionary and devotee of Fethullah Gulen, explains how much happier Joan and Tom’s grandchildren will be when Turkey has once again regained its glory as the leader of the Islamic world, and the perfect example of Al’lah’s messenger, Mohammed, is followed in Amherst, just as it is in Turkey.
The Christian and Persian ‘Rumis’ that had inhabited the Eastern Roman empire before the Muslim Arab conquest were given the choice of ‘submitting to Al’lah’ or not. Most made the wise decision of accepting Islam and outwardly professed …
I am the servant of the Qur’an as long as I have life.
I am the dust on the path of Muhammad, the Chosen One.
If anyone quotes anything except this from my sayings,
I am quit of him and outraged by these words. – Rumi
Why do the Arabs and the Turks hate each other so much?
Arabs from the Middle East were commanded by Al’lah’s Apostle to “fight the ugly Turks – who have beady eyes, flat noses, and faces that look like battle scarred leather.” And as if that wasn’t bad enough, the Arabs even joined with the infidels in World War I to defeat the Turks and expel them from Jerusalem in 1917.