Chaplain and CAD designer Mohammed Abdelaal recently shared with Amherst residents his joy at the success of the Muslim Brotherhood and their recent demonstration of “Democracy in Action.”
Egypt: A Nation’s Rebirth – Sponsored by: Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst February 27, 2011
Democracy has often been compared to “two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch”, and the vote of the two-hundred hungry peace loving supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood, to enjoy the feast of “uncovered meat,” was an overwhelming majority. It is unclear whether the ravenous Muslim wolves actually ate her nipple or just bit it off.
Chaplain Abdelaal is also encouraged and excited by Dr. Hazratji’s recent promise of such rewards, as promised by their prophet. In addition to supporting Dr. Hazratji’s agenda, Chaplain Abdelaal is the local spiritual leader of the MSA, on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hear Mohammed Abdelaal speak about being an Egyptian for the past 30 years, being an Egyptian during the past weeks, and being an Egyptian for the next 30 years. Mohammed Abdelaal is Director of Religious Affairs and Chaplain of Hampshire Mosque, and Advisor to Muslim Student Association at Amherst College.