Silence means Acceptance – There has been no word from Joan or her ION Interfaith group about the disgusting statements made by HM Inc. president Ali Hazratji.
Joan and Naz have been active supporters of both the ION group’s supposed ‘interfaith’ efforts, as well as Dr. Hazratji efforts to relocate the ‘mosque’ to a location more suitable to the ‘expansion’ his organization is planning for, against the wishes of the Muslim students and community.
Naz Mohamed
It is unlikely that Dr. Hazratji will be appearing in a public forum to explain how he really feels about Jews, or the actual purpose and intent of his corporation or its officers, which is known to be quite different from the reasons he miscommunicated at the Amherst Planning Board meetings.
Accordingly the community will look forward to hearing from Naz Mohamed, as a member of ION and the senior representative and point of contact for Hampshire Mosque Inc., regarding the actual views and goals of its President and other officers and directors.
Joan, your “Islamophobia” is showing and it tarnishes the rights of all citizens of this country.
You might also admit in your site that you have taken things out of context in an obvious smear campaign directed toward specific individuals and the Muslim community in general.
Besides realizing that the rights you deny to any other are the same rights and liberties that you yourself will likely lose, it might also be wise to recall that all major faiths, from Sanatana Dharma, to Buddhism, to Judaism, Christianity and Islam all teach that one must never wish for another that which they would not wish for themselves. In your case, you appear to wish to have your religious rights to be curtailed and to have your freedom of movement limited as well as to be presented as a bigot and a religious racist by having your words taken out of context, twisted and disotrted (however, as you have already proven yourself to be such it would not be necessary to do so in your case).
I sincerely hope and pray that God, by what ever name you may choose to address Him by, will lead you to the understanding of humanity that is no longer so limted and that, in fact, leads to your personal enlightenment as well as to the love and compassion for all others.