Now that Dr. Hazratji has been exposed as the Jew-hating bigot that he is perhaps Joan’s ION group will realize that he feels the same way about Christians and other Kafirs; and they will reorganize their interfaith efforts around people who are sincere.
Joan and her ION group may have had the best intentions, but her abject ignorance in being the most vocal supporter of Dr. Hazratji and Mohammed’s Sunnah does not excuse her from imperiling our families and communities.
Joan was not alone! Many other community and spiritual leaders, whether through misguided hope or ignorance, have spoken out in support or Dr. Hazratji and his ‘outreach’ efforts.
Hopefully in the near future Joan, the ION group, and the other community leaders will speak out just as vocally against him. Until they do they will still be considered supporters of him and the ‘submission to Allah’ that he is struggling to implement.