Amherst College Chaplain Mohammed Abdelaal – Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue

Hampshire mosque Chaplain Mohammed Abdelaal’s Interfaith Outreach efforts demonstrate his commitment to his mission.  The Islamic Chaplaincy Program teaches its graduates that …

Although chaplains often provide religious services for members of their own faith communities, the main role of a chaplain is to facilitate or accommodate the religious needs of all individuals in the institution in which he or she is working.

However, through the generosity of Amherst College, Brother Mohammed only serves there “as a Religious Advisor for Muslim students”, since his strict Islamic observance requires isolation from unclean things like kafirs, stool, urine, dead bodies, etc.

March 18, 2007 – Interfaith Walk for Climate Rescue – (link)

Chaplain Abdelaal appeared in a Church full of non-Muslims and read from the Qur’an to show his support for Interfaith efforts and the environment.

Chaplain Abdelaal’s demonstration of tolerance is important and reminds us that not all Muslims are ashamed to appear in Churches or among Kafirs (which are Najis or unclean) The Chaplain is always eager to make friends with Christians and Jews.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's got to do it.

Mike Rowe's got nothing on me.

After the service Mohammed went home and showered while Allah sent a snowstorm to plague the other local religious leaders who walked all the way to Boston for a March 24th celebration.

More about the Interfaith Climate Walk.

"Accept Islam for your salvation. Ye know the tribute. If ye desire to have security by sea and by land, obey the Lord and his Apostle, and he will defend you from every demand. But if ye oppose and displease them, I will not accept from you a single thing, until I have fought against you and taken captive your little ones and slain the elder." - Hampshire mosque Chaplain Abdelaal


Many famous Muslims are even censored by their own governments for even appearing with Kafirs – “Iranian Athlete Banned for Life

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