Posters likening Palestinians with Palestinians terrorize Palestinians

AMHERST – When an Amnesty International report comparing Students for Justice in Palestine with real Palestinian terrorists appeared at campuses across the country this week, many UMass muslims  experienced PTSD and panic attacks as they recalled what life is still like in the Islamic hell holes where they were raised.

Amnesty International report caused UMass SJP supporters to get weak in the knees.

Amnesty International report caused UMass SJP supporters to get weak in the knees.

Mahmud Abdelrahim Barham SJP Founder

Mahmud Abdelrahim Barham
SJP Founder and proud to be 1%


The rich are trampling down the rights of the 99%

The rich are trampling down the rights of the 99%


Mahmud Abdelrahim Barham, SJP founder, said he wasn’t surprised the posters turned up on other campuses because this is Israeli Apartheid Week.

“It was coordinated to happen at the same time. The Palestinian brutality is shocking,” he said.

Umass SJP was started last year by  Barham  and includes anyone who loves Al’lah and his prophet.  The group supports the Muslim conquest of Israel and the elimination of Jews from the ancient land of Judea.

The group does not take a position on whether there should be a one or two state solution.

Barham said some members of the group are afraid now and the Muslim and Arab students experiences PTSD and panic attacks just recalling the barbarism of Palestinians.

They imply that “anyone who follows Mohammad’s Koran and his practices and example is a terrorist.”

Girl Scouts form ‘Wall of Love’ to protect frightened muslims

Girl Scouts offered to protect the frightened Palestinians and escort them home.

Girl Scouts offered to protect the frightened Palestinians and escort them home.


“The university has been very supportive… they understand it’s hate speech,” but he said the group has asked for the university to publically denounce it.


He said UMass police, meanwhile, will be at all of the group’s events for the rest of the semester and student escorts are available to walk with anyone who feels unsafe on campus.

As part of Israeli Apartheid Week, the group has been and continues to host a number of events including a panel discussion Wednesday night featuring

UMass professors Sut Jhally, Mary Wilson, and others at 7 p.m. in Herter Hall.



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