Sept 12, 2011 “Ten Years After” Hampshire College Profs (?) Omar Dahi and Sayres Rudy discuss “It’s all Israel’s fault?”

Basking in the acclaim of a recent al-Jezerra ‘voice of al-Queda’ article featuring his visit to a pro-Assad rally in Damascus this summer,  Syrian Palestinian Omar Dahi will join “academic vagabond” and part-time teacher Sayres Rudy, for a special “911 Tribute” to discuss the point the Arab Palestinians and Osama bin Laden have been trying to make all along;  that US support for a tiny Jewish state, in the midst of Al’lah’s territory, is the cause of all of the problems in the Middle East.

Sayres joined Hampshire mosque’s Chaplain Abdelaal and Hassan Awaisi back in 2006 for a Emergency Forum in Amherst and Peace March because Israel killed a few of Al’lah’s soldiers, and to support the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of eliminating Israel.

Alan Dershowitz pays Hampshire College’s visiting professor Sayres Rudy a great compliment by calling him an “academic vagabond”, since his Hampshire College bio does not even indicate whether or not he ever graduated from High School, or just where he is “visiting” from.

The public is invited, and Hampshire College has made assurances that even Zionist Jews will be treated with all the respect that they have come to expect from Hampshire College.

Hampshire College’s “academic vagabond”  Sayres Rudy – Who is this guy?

Hampshire College’s “All-American” Syrian national Omar Dahi









With: Omar Dahi, Asst. Prof. of Economics, Hampshire College
Sayres Rudy, Visiting Asst. Prof. of Politics, Hampshire College
Falguni Sheth, Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy & Political Theory, Hampshire College

Introductory Remarks: Jonathan Lash, President, Hampshire College Chair:
Michael Klare, Five College Professor of Peace & World Security Studies


MAIN LECTURE HALL Free and Open to the Public
Sponsored by: School of Critical Social Inquiry, Hampshire College
Five College Program in Peace & World Security Studies


‘We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have, … we intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea.” – Omar Dahi, Sayres Rudy, and bin Laden

United We Stand

”We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have … we intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the (Jordan) river to the sea … blood for blood, destruction for destruction.” – Hampshire College SJP

via Dershowitz/Cockburn: The Nation Exchange | Norman G. Finkelstein.

Dershowitz/Cockburn: The Nation Exchange Cambridge, Mass.

Alexander Cockburn realizes that, as one columnist characterized him, “as an accuser, Joe McCarthy was more responsible.” So he has invoked a purported neutral academic expert to lend credence to his preposterous plagiarism charge [“Beat the Devil,” Oct. 13; “Letters,” Oct. 27]. It turns out, however, that his “expert” is as biased, irresponsible and wrong as he is.

Sayres Rudy is not a “professor.” So far as I can determine, he has no PhD. He has no permanent teaching job. He is an academic vagabond with little experience and even less knowledge about academic disciplinary matters.

He is also, not coincidentally, an ideological soul mate of Cockburn on Israel, having signed petitions that accuse Israel but not Palestinian terrorist organizations of war crimes. I have read the disciplinary and plagiarism codes that he cites and cannot find anything even close to what Cockburn has falsely accused me of doing.

More important, Harvard Law School’s extremely demanding definition of plagiarism makes it clear that what I did was entirely proper. Moreover, I did it completely in the open. In the galley proofs that were sent to hundreds of reviewers, I included an instruction to my research assistant to cite several sources I came upon in Joan Peters’s book. I also instructed my research staff to check these sources against the original. The experts I consulted-real experts, with vast experience and no ideological ax to grind-know of no case in which a student or faculty member was ever disciplined for doing what I did.

I challenge Prof. Rudy to come up with a single case in which he participated at the universities he mentions that resulted in any kind of discipline for a student or professor who cited original rather than secondary sources for a handful of quotations (out of hundreds) that he or she originally found in a secondary source with whose conclusions he disagrees, checked them against the originals and then cited the originals.

Although the names of students are generally kept confidential, the charges are often made public so that students can learn from the “common law.” He will be unable to do so, because what I did was absolutely proper and routine. And he knows it.

His claim that he can say “unequivocally” that any student who did what I did would be disciplined for plagiarism is a deliberate lie made out of whole cloth to serve his ideological agenda.

Like Cockburn, he doesn’t like the substance of my book and so has joined forces with those seeking to deligitimize it with false charges. This is a form of literary McCarthyism of which he should be ashamed, even if Cockburn is shameless.

Alan Dershowitz


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