A documentary supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal of eliminating Jews from the Middle East has been released by dhimmis at Hampshire College. ‘To Know Is Not Enough, to Kowtow is” was recently released by the College’s “Students for Justice in Palestine,” often referred to as the STOP the Jews coalition.
Europe for Europeans!
Unaware that “Palestine“ – is not, nor has it ever been, a national designation with any more cultural homogeneity or specificity than “Africa”, many dhimmis are convinced that when Israel (the red dot on the map) is eliminated the entire Islamic world will be at peace.
Boycott the Jews – Divestment at Hampshire College – STOP the Jews
In the spring of 2009 news sources the world over reported that Hampshire College had become the first United States institution of higher learning to divest holdings from companies benefiting from the military occupation of Palestine.
One year after divestment, Hampshire Students for Justice in Palestine worked with a student filmmaker to tell the story of their divestment campaign – the result is a 30 min documentary featuring interviews with a sampling of SJP’s membership and using footage of past SJP events and actions.
Hampshire College Students for Justice in Palestine
Appearing in interviews:
- Dina Jacir (SJP) – narrator
- Noam Bahat (SJP) – ‘refusenik’
- Matan Cohen (SJP) – ‘refusenik’
- Nate Jones (SJP)
- Alexander Cachinero-Gorman (SJP)
- Kanya D’Almeida (SJP)
- Aidan Kriese (SJP)
- Margaret Cerullo (Hampshire Faculty)
- Quincy M. Saul (SJP)
- Brian Van Slyke (SJP)
- Jova Lynne Johnson (SOURCE)
- Hira Nabi (SJP, SOURCE)
- Andrew Stachiw (SJP)
- Henry Parr (The Climax)
Special thanks to those who helped with research but whose interviews do not appear on screen:
- Alex “Tumble” Van Leer
- Jay Cassano
- Alima Catellacci
- Ilana Rossoff
Photos provided by: Cheryl DeSanctis, Nate Jones, Dina Jacir, Harrison Fuerst, Nicola Chávez-Courtright
Many thanks are due everyone in SJP, Jean-Marie Téno, Joan Braderman, Margaret Cerullo, Hampshire College Media Services, Kasha, Ryan and Lauren, Media II Class, No More Deaths, Noam Chomsky, and Lydia Delphia
Directed by: Will Delphia