Fortunately their were no injuries to the young jihadis when one of their chemical bombs exploded while they were testing it at the Islamic Center of Portland. Sept 22, 2010 = Islamic Bombing in Portland Maine
PORTLAND, ME (NEWS CENTER) — Police say there were no injuries or damage caused by a chemical bomb that went off in a parking lot near the Islamic Society of Portland.
The bomb went off in the lot between the Islamic Society and Back Bay Grill around 8:00 PM Tuesday night. Portland Police say Islamic elders came forward to tell them that a 13 year old from the Society was experimenting and was responsible for the bomb. Another bomb was also found undetonated.
Police say it’s unclear if charges will be filed against the teenagers.
That’s it? That was the whole story? A 13 year old sets off a bomb, police even state “another bomb was found undetonated.” It happened near the Islamic Society, the Islamic elders admitted the 13 year old was from the society and “it’s unclear if charges will be filed against the teenager?”
I’m sorry but I for one don’t want some ‘Junior Jihadi’ running around making chemical bombs anywhere and getting away with it by saying it was some “experiment” gone wrong.
I needed to find out what had happened to this ‘Junior Jihadi’ so I contacted the District Attorney’s office in Portland, Maine and what I found out scared me more than a teacher with a twitch in a suicide bomber class.
Friday morning I spoke to the head of the Juvenile Justice Division, Prosecution Team Leader, Assistant District Attorney, Christine Thibeault.
I asked Asst. D.A. Thibeault what was happening with the case of the bomb that went off outside the Islamic Society of Portland. Her answer was “what bomb?” My reaction, of course, was to repeat the question and her answer was “I have not even heard about it.”
There is no additional information about any specific targets, or whether the bombs were simply being tested and stockpiled for the anticipated Islamic invasion in the near future.
Since 9/11 the thousands of Somali and Bantu immigrants to Maine have created their own ‘Little Mogadishu’ just a short jeep ride away from the rest of New England.